Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Phoenix 98623 Revolution Cycle Pro II Exercise Bike - Nice Quality And Smooth Ride

Phoenix 98623 Revoulution Cycle Pro II Exercise Bike have product features like Modern exercise bike with direct drive resistance system and 39.6-pound balanced flywheel. Direct drive system lets the rider pedal forward or backward, with quick-stop handle brake. 2 way adjustable seat post and handlebars move vertically and horizontally while you ride. Heavy duty brake pad resistance system with center-pull brake pads; wheels for transport. 250 pound weight capacity; measures 24 x 42.5 x 42.3 inches (W x H x D) and weighs 113 pounds. For more information, please click here.

Phoenix 98623 Revolution Cycle Pro II Exercise Bike came in one large box, and you can put it together in less than 30 minutes since the wheel and main components were already attached; all you had to do was put on the handle, seat, and pedals. The wheel does make some noise when riding it. You was actually surprised at how quiet and smooth it is. It does wobble a bit when you stand and do hill climbs.

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